Det tidiga 1900-talet bjöd på Dadaismen, en konströrelse som hade något otalt med kriget. Kurt Schwitters (1887 - 1948), född i Hannover, var inte direkt en medlem av dadaismrörelsen, men nog så inspirerad av den. Här har vi Harald Smyklas engelska tolkning av hans poem An Anna Blume:
Kurt Schwitters - An Anna Blume
O you beloved of my twenty-seven senses,
I luv ya - you thou thine thee, I you, you me.
- We ?
That doesn't (casually) belong here.
Who are you, uncounted lady ? You are ?
- are you ? - People say you would be - let
them say, they don't know how the steeple stands.
You wear the hat on your feet, and walk
on them hands, on the hands you walk.
Hello, your red clothes, sawn into white folds.
Red do I love Anna Blume, red I luv ya ! You
thou thine thee, I you, you me. - We ?
That belongs (casually) into the cold embers.
Red blossom, red Anna Blume, how do people say ?
Prize questions : 1.) Anna Blume has a birdie.
2.) Anna Blume is red
3.) What colour is the birdie ?
Blue is the colour of your yellow hair.
Red is the whirring of your green bird.
You simple girl in your plain dress, you dear
green pet, I luv ya - You thou thine thee, I
you, you me. - We ?
That belongs (casually) into the ember chest.
Anna Blume ! Anna , a - n - n - a , I drip your name.
Your name drips like soft beef suet.
Do you know it, Anna, do you already know?
One can read you also from behind , and you, you
most magnificent of all, you are from behind as from
the front : "a - n - n - a"
Beef suet drips caress across my back.
Anna Blume , you drippy pet, I luv ya red!
Dikten Zwölf torde nyttja inte mer tyska än att den kan uppskattas även av de av mina kära läsare som inte talar ärans och hjältarnas språk. I allmänhet tänker man sig att varje rad i en dikt skall ta lika lång tid att uttala, men för mig blir den här dikten blir så mycket bättre om man låter de korta raderna vara lika succinkta i tal som i skrift.
Kurt Schwitters - Zwölf
Eins Zwei Drei Vier Fünf
Fünf Vier Drei Zwei Eins
Zwei Drei Vier Fünf Sechs
Sechs Fünf Vier Drei Zwei
Sieben Sieben Sieben Sieben Sieben
Acht Eins
Neun Eins
Zehn Eins
Elf Eins
Zehn Neun Acht Sieben Sechs
Fünf Vier Drei Zwei Eins
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2 Kommentare:
That was ... weird...
En sann tysk poet i sina glansdagar!
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