Montag, 3. November 2008

Lästips: Kevin Dolgin Tells You About Places You Should Go In Europe

Jag utlovar ett köttigare inlägg snart, men under tiden rekommenderar jag läsningen som nämns ovan. Kolla speciellt in den här artikeln om nonsensfraser.

"There is a penguin in my closet." In German: "Es gibt ein Pinguin auf meinem Schrank."
Of course, you don't want to be nasty, you need to explain rapidly to the hotel staff that there is not, in fact, a penguin in your closet, and that you were just employing your single phrase of German. If you do not explain this quickly, them being German, they will dutifully send someone to remove the penguin from your closet, and that would not be a very nice thing to do to the cleaning staff.

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